We would like to notify you about changes in Data rates that will be available starting from June, 16th 2021:
Travelsim Classic
- Albania – PAYG data rate decrease, new rate 0.19 EUR/MB
- Mexico Telcel 33402 / 334020 – new PAYG increment step 20KB
- Russia MTS 25001 – new PAYG increment step 20KB
- Russia Megafone 25005 – new PAYG increment step 20KB
Travelsim Direct / eSim
- Albania – PAYG data rate decrease, new rate 0.04 EUR/MB
- Mexico Telcel 33402 / 334020 – new PAYG increment step 20KB
- Russia MTS 25001 – new PAYG increment step 20KB
- Russia Megafone 25005 – new PAYG increment step 20KB
We would like to notify you about changes in Data packages for Travelsim Classic, Travelsim Direct and eSIM that will be available starting from June, 16th 2021:
- Albania – will be available in Zone A and Zone B Data packages
We would like also to notify You about changes to Travelsim Classic, Travelsim Direct and eSIM roaming partner lists starting from June, 16th 2021:
- Albania Vodafone 27602 – additional network opened (only for Travelsim Classic)
- Montenegro Telecom.me 29702 – additional network opened (only for Travelsim Classic)
- Philippines Smart 51503 – network closed starting 02.06.2021